pem2ppk – Pem2Ppk Conversion – Full Version

(1 customer review)


pem2ppk – Automatically convert PEM to PPK Files.




Pem2Ppk is a utility that will automatically convert PEM SSH Keys into PuTTY Compatible PPK format. This is handy for when you are working with AWS Linux instances and multiple keypairs.

How does it work?

  1. Purchase pem2ppk (Free!)
  2. Extract ZIP File to a specific location (for example, Desktop, or C:\pem2ppk)
  3. Launch the application and configure the application settings. These settings are outlined below:
    1. Path to Monitor for PEM Files: The path for the application to watch
    2. Path to PuTTY: The path for PuTTY. Only used if you want to take advantage of the ‘right-click’ launch session option in pem2ppk
    3. Conversion Enabled: Enable/Disable automatic conversion
    4. Show conversion notifications: Notify upon conversion
    5. Run on Startup: Start pem2ppk at startup
  4. Enjoy not having to navigate through Puttygen ever again.